System HGaaS
Wir liefern emissionsfreie, energieeffiziente Brennstoffe für Verkehr, Industrie und Energie.
Wasserstoff im Transport
Wir glauben, dass Wasserstoff die beste Alternative zu konvenzionellen Kraftstoffen im Transport ist, deshalb wir Lösungen anbieten, die die Transformation des Sektors hin zu emissionsfreien Brennstoffen unterstützen.
Wasserstoff für Industrie
und Energie
Wir setzen auf Wasserstoff als Instrument zur Dekarbonisierung der schwierigsten Wirtschaftssektoren – Schwerindustrie und Energie.
Wir sehen die Möglichkeiten, Wasserstoff als effizienten Speicher zu nutzen, um das Energiesystem auszugleichen und eine stabile Versorgung mit erneuerbaren Energien zu gewährleisten.
Renewable hydrogen – the role in the development of a modern and sustainable economy
With the increasing interest in sustainable development, the need to reduce emissions across various sectors of the economy, and the search for alternative energy sources, renewable hydrogen has become a crucial component of the modern economy.
Hydrogen myths part 3
Today we delve into another set of myths about renewable hydrogen and its use as an energy carrier, which continue to raise questions about its potential applications in various economic sectors.
Hydrogen cars – what should you know about them?
Hydrogen cars, alongside BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles), represent the future of sustainable motoring. Currently, the main barrier to their widespread adoption is the lack of sufficient hydrogen refueling infrastructure in Poland and other EU countries.
Frequently Asked Questions about Hydrogen #4
We return with the fourth part of our series, in which we answer the most frequently asked questions and concerns about hydrogen and its potential applications in a modern and sustainable economy.
Hydrogen in industry – areas of application and role in the transformation of the sector
Renewable hydrogen as a clean energy source is expected to play a key role in the transformation of the industrial sector. Its use will not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions from individual industries but will also ensure energy efficiency and sustainable development of enterprises.
New regulation specifies how to calculate the amount of renewable hydrogen transported outside gas networks
We are talking about the Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment in Poland on the requirements for measuring, recording, and accounting for renewable hydrogen transported by means other than gas networks. What is worth knowing about this regulation? We already explain.
Electrolysis – green hydrogen production. Process and areas of application
Water electrolysis is recognised as the most promising method of hydrogen production. Especially when it is based on the use of renewable electricity, guaranteeing the production of clean hydrogen for industry, transport, and energy.
Hydrogen boiler – what is it and how does it work? Innovative hydrogen heating
Europe is striving to decarbonize all sectors and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. A major challenge, especially in Poland, is the heating sector, which is increasingly feeling the pressure to modernize and use alternative solutions. One of these is hydrogen, specifically a hydrogen boiler, which will enable carbon-free heat generation.
Summary 2023 in TOP 12 articles
The end of the year and the beginning of a new one is undeniably the best time for a little recap. A lot was going on at SES Hydrogen Energy in 2023. Likewise, the hydrogen market in Europe and around the world. All driven by strengthened regulations and large financial instruments. We invite you to read our summary of 2023!
Analysis: Hydrogen in heating. Our goal is to support the decarbonization of district heating in an efficient and cost-effective manner
In today’s article, Bartosz Ostrowski, an Analyst at SES Hydrogen Energy, looks at the state of the sector and the key question of the viability of implementing hydrogen as a heat source for investment projects.